Assist a company or a body in examining a decision, or during an appeal against/in defense of a decision released by the relevant authorities. Some of the parties involved may include: a state (France or other), the AMF, the European Commission, the Competition Authority, etc.
- Review and analyze the procedure applied by the regulatory body, searching for a potential error/omission
- Analyze the evidence used by the regulatory body to demonstrate the error/omission made
- Analyze the direct causality between the error/omission and the damage claimed by the company
- Estimate the financial damage resulting from the error/omission by comparing the But-For situation (no error/omission on the part of the regulatory body) to the actual situation (error/omission by the regulatory body), and identifying:
- Supplemental costs accrued in the past or will accrue in the future
- Past and future opportunity costs
Our Work
- Write an expert report used as a support to the legal arguments presented by the client’s counsel
- Prepare response to opposing counsel arguments
- Assist a company or a regulatory body during judicial proceedings