• Maurice Nussenbaum

    Managing partner / Founder LinkedIn

    HEC, Full professor in Economics (Paris University).

    Financial expert before the “Cour de cassation” (French Supreme Court) (h) and before the Administrative Courts of Appeal of Paris and Versailles.

    Financial expert before the French National Committee for the International Chamber of Commerce (CNFCCI).

    Chairman of the professional association of fairness opinion experts (APEI).

    Member of the IEAM (Institut d’Expertise d’Arbitrage et de Médiation).

    Ex-chairman of the Compagnie Nationale des Experts Judiciaires en Finance et Diagnostic (CNEJFD).

    Member of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA).

    Member of the Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence (AFEC).

    SFEV member (French Society of Appraisers).


  • Claire Karsenti

    Partner LinkedIn

    EM Lyon, Master Finance (104) Paris University.

    Financial expert before the Court of Appeal of Paris and the Administrative Courts of Appeal of Paris and Versailles.

    Financial expert before the International Criminal Court.

    Financial expert before the French National Committee for the International Chamber of Commerce (CNFCCI).

    Lecturer at Paris Dauphine University (Master MFE).

    Member of the Comité Français de l’Arbitrage (CFA).

    Member of the Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence (AFEC).

    SFEV board member (French Society of Appraisers).

    Member of the IEAM (Institut d’Expertise d’Arbitrage et de Médiation).

  • Thomas Hachette

    Partner LinkedIn

    EDHEC Business School, MSc in Risk & Asset Management Program.

    Financial expert before the Court of Appeal of Paris and the Administrative Courts of Appeal of Paris and Versailles.

    Teacher at EDHEC Business School (MSc in Finance for students in their last year in apprenticeship).

    APEI member (Professional Society of Independent Experts).

    SFEV member (French Society of Appraisers).

    Club DCF member (Society on Law, Accounting and Finance).

    Member of the National Society of Experts before the Court specialized in Finance (CNEJF).

    Previously manager in valuation and financial strategy at KPMG Corporate Finance and financial analyst at AEQUITAS, Allianz Group subsidiary hedge fund

  • Blanche Feauveaux

    Partner LinkedIn

    MBA from Laval University (Canada) and Master’s degree in Financial analysis and strategy from IGR-IAE (University of Rennes).

    Financial expert before the Orleans Court of Appeal and the Administrative Courts of Appeal of Paris and Versailles.

    Lecturer at the IAE of Bordeaux (Master IFOHB – Financial Engineering and Restructuring), at the University Paris Dauphine (Master 225) and at the EFB (French Bar School – course on the assessment of counterfeiting damages).

    Trainer within the DFCG (Association of Financial and Management Control Directors).

    Member of the SFEV (French association of valuation experts), the CFA 40 (French Arbitration Committee) and the National Society of Experts before the Court specialized in Finance (CNEJF).

    Previously valuation and strategic finance consultant at KPMG Corporate Finance (5 years).

  • Florent Myara

    Director LinkedIn

    Graduated from HEC Paris.

    Previously  in audit / TS at EY (5 years) and in financial valuation at Valphi  (4 years) and at Détroyat Associés (5 years).

    Lecturer at Paris Dauphine University (Master 225).

  • Anne-Laure Courbet

    Director LinkedIn

    Graduated from ESC Toulouse and Sciences-Po Toulouse.

    Previously valuation and financial modelling consultant at Deloitte (6 years).

  • Alizée Rocher

    Director LinkedIn

    Graduated from Paris Dauphine University – Master 225.

    Previously in M&A at Pramex – BPCE (1 year) and in the corporate finance team at Veolia (1 year).

  • Pauline Maret

    Director LinkedIn

    Graduated from the Universities of Paris Sorbonne and Paris Dauphine

  • Simon Aglaghanian

    Manager LinkedIn

    Graduated University Paris Dauphine (Master 225)

    Former experience in M&A at BNP Paribas (4 years)

  • Jean Verney

    Director LinkedIn

    Graduated from EM Lyon business school

    Former experience in TS at EY (4 years)

  • Etienne Langer

    Manager LinkedIn

    Graduated from Excelia.

    Member of  “Observatoire des Valorisations de la Compagnie des Conseils et Experts Financiers (CCEF)”

  • Enzo Lumbroso

    Manager LinkedIn

    Graduate of ESSEC

    Former experience of consulting at Stanwell